Monday, August 15, 2011

Why memorize

So last week we started memory verse Monday's. My kids are normal kids so this just sounded like another chore. But their determined mom set out to make this a delight. So each night we would chat about what the verse meant to us, this side of the cross. The verse was Duet. 20:1. Well this is how the week played out...
Wed night at dinner, mom pulls out the card.
Cooper throws his head back and says," not that again!"
Mom disappointed say," yes bud this again." trying to sound upbeat and fun.
Cooper," ok mom let me tell it to you." and he preceded to recite it
My eyes and face showed my shock as I replied," wow, I didn't even think you'd been listening to me."
Thur night dinnertime. Mom pulls out the card.
Savi says," I've got it mom." And off she goes reciting the verse.
Amazed I announce( cause as the mom you've gotta have a little fun jerking their chain) " wow you guys are so god at this maybe we should make this an every 3 day thing?"
To that I got the classic eye rolls and a no once a week is good.
So this week the Cran's are memorizing Psalm 119:11 which says...
"Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You."
Short and to the point. I want my kids to know why we are disciplining ourselves to memorize God's word.
See I want God's word hidden as treasures in their hearts because the truth is, I don't know what tomorrow holds. Oh I've got stuff on the calendar but honestly I'm not in control of tomorrow so I need to know I've got scripture hidden in my heart and know that I have equipped my children with it too. that way when the enemy strike we've got weapon's to conquer him with.

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