Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I had an experience that has parked itself in my mind and heart and just won't leave. Ever happen to you. You just can't get over it. I try to turn those things into prayers but this one made me mad and helpless.
So here it is...
When we were camping our camp site was surrounded by trees and bushes so often we could hear peoples conversations but not see them. Which brought out my nosey. Well at one campsite there was this woman. Yikes this woman. We all know the type that sits in a chair and loudly orders everyone else around. And does it without pleases and thank yous. Her voice was loud and rude and down right mean sometimes. I was very tempted to go over and get a look at her but to be honest I was a little afraid. Nonetheless I did get a good look at her when she came out of her site to use the restroom and saw me washing our dinner pans. She preceded to boss me around and tell me I wasn't doing it right. I smiled on the outside but my insides didn't match my smile.
 Anyway the next morning was our departure day. So Jeff and I got up early to start breaking down camp. When Coop woke up, he was mad at us because even though we had told him several times we were leaving in the morning he had made plans with kids from other campsites and was upset that he wasn't going to be able to play. He was crying and would not receive the hug I wanted to give. Knowing him I knew how disappointed he was.
 Meanwhile something is taking place at the campsite we could hear but not see. A little boy had said something and this woman was talking mean to him. He started to cry and then she preceded to make fun of him, calling him  crybaby and such. Enough to make my blood boil.
 Two campsites, two crying little boys, two very different experiences.
 I realized later how easy it is to be mean. It seems powerful, you don't have to use self discipline.
 But LOVE now that is real power, shows restraint, creates teaching moments, gives acceptance. LOVE, it cost us more but isn't that worth it? To build up instead of tear down. I'm thankful I tend to choose LOVE over meanness. I pray for that family often, even though I want her to get whats coming to her. But when God delivers a message it is much more impactful than if say, I did.
LOVE!!!! Do it! Be it!!

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