Monday, July 18, 2011

Bird cages vs. bird nests

I love bird cages. Not sure why but I do. I also love bird nests. I'm sure why I like them, have you seen one? They are intricate and beautifully woven together by a creature without hands and fingers. Amazing. Now there is only one bird cage that I've bought, mostly, to be honest I don't like to dust and the more stuff I have the more I have to dust. So I look at them in antique shops but I leave them there.
Anyway, I was in my bible study chair doing bible study when my mind started decorating. Ever happen to you? Reading about Joseph and how he handled the famine and "hum, I could put a nest in front of my cage that would be cute." Good ole distraction. Satan's brilliant at it.
As I day dreamed about how cute that would look the thoughts popped into my head, oh lets be honest God used Satan's distraction to point something out to me. I love that He always wins.

A bird in a cage is trapped. The cage may be pretty but she is still trapped. Her song is still there but maybe not as sweet. Her view is always the same.

While a bird with a nest is free. Free to come and go as she pleases. Free to work on her nest or just enjoy it. She see the world around her as she flies over it. Her song is a rejoicing song.

God in His ever so gentle why asked," daughter which one do you live in?"
He already knows the answer but He allows me to figure it out for myself.
I ponder.
I know what I want to say. But is it true?
I feel burdened by my answer.
Jesus died on the cross and rose again to give me life. Freedom. Yet if I'm honest I am still in that cage. The one that holds me back. Fear, insecurity, disbelief, worry, doubt. They are old friends trying to keep me from changing.
But I am changed. I am NEW!! Christ did that for me. Now I need to live it.
Yes the cage is pretty but I'm trapped. So I got up and found an ordinary piece of string and I tied the door to my cage open. Now I'm a girl so I'll say this. I wanted to go find a pretty ribbon to tie it open cause that would look cute in my front room but...
The thing that set me free was two pieces of wood, three carpenters nails and the blood of my Savior. Not pretty but the most beautiful thing ever.
The funny thing is that piece of ordinary string was just sitting on my table. Why I don't know, best guess I have a seven year old, but I think that God wanted to say," Just open it Daughter"

And now a nest. Freedom. Experience. Life.

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