Tuesday, July 5, 2011

favorite things

On our trip to Maine there are a few things that happened that made my heart melt and a huge lump park itself in my throat. And the funny thing is I wasn't involved in any of them. They were all things I over heard.

Both my children, when taking about me referred to my chair as "my mom's bible study chair." I realized that my everyday quiet time isn't just for me and God, it is passing on a legacy of a special place to meet with God. My children notice and are catching what I want to pass on. AMEN!!

My father in law is a very quiet but loving man. I know he thinks nice stuff about all of us but it's rare he says it out loud. I was in the kitchen making a sandwich when my father in law can in and put both his hands around my daughters face and said," I like your hair short but you have such a beautiful face I want to see it more." If I could of melted into the cupboards I would of cause it was such a special moment for them two. And just so you know how much that meant to her, everyday after that she clipped her bangs to the side.

And about my meeting place, my Rock, I came in one morning when Auntie had slept over and she asked if I had just got up? I said no I had just been at the beach and she replied she would of come with me. To that Cooper announced that she couldn't go with me cause it was my time to talk to God. He knew this cause he had asked if he could come with me one morning and his daddy let him know it was mommy's time with God.

Sometimes, I've come to realize, its not the events we place in our lives that make the most profound memories its what happens at those events. Its a statement or a look that makes it worth remembering. So my challenge to you is... be a noticer. I think you will be surprised at what you are leaving for others to notice, and in turn you notice also.

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