Monday, July 4, 2011

do overs and holy ground

Last year before our trip to Maine, God said he wanted to meet with me on this specific rock. He had something to chat with me about.
So super excited.
Couldn't wait to get there and then... chicken boc boc boc.
 Every morning I'd wake up and the Lord would beckon me and I would find excuse after excuse. The last day of our trip Jeff said you'd better go or your gonna regret it.
So I got my notebook and I opened the back door... its raining. serves me right, all those sunny mornings, in the rain I go.
I walk the few steps to the beach and I see the exact rock God showed me, but its further than I thought and its raining ,the other rocks are slippery and I am scared.
 what if I fall?
what if I get hurt?
I start the journey which in hind sight isn't that far. I make it.
 I sit down.. right in a puddle. serves me right, all those sunny morning.
 Now I'm sitting on the ocean shore and the fog is so thick I can't see the water. serves me right,. all those sunny morning.
God and I chatted.
I come home to my coast.
One year later.
Planning our next trip to Maine.
God says," Daughter you wanna a do over? "
You bet Lord!!!
First morning in Maine, I'm up early, so excited, I open the back door, its sunny. Down to the beach, I slip off my shoes and climb out to the Rock.
Now God had every right to shame me, make me feel small and less than. But that's not the God I serve, NO!!
I sit looking at the ocean and there is only one sun beam in the water and it points right to me and the Rock.
Love, acceptance, forgiveness, joy, celebration
God was glad I had come.
What a beautiful full circle moment for this girl and her Maker.
I went each morning and we had sweet moments and tearful moments and oh boy moments and you want me to do what moments
But the time was sweet and refreshing to my soul.
God and I bonded in a no distraction kind of way.
The last day Jeff said," we should take a picture of you on your Rock." so out we went.
I walked down the stairs, kicked off my shoes and climbed out.
Jeff was taking pictures when it hit me... I had taken my shoes off each morning and always gone out bare foot.
My own Moses moment.
 In that instant I realized the Rock was my Holy ground. Lots of people through out the year will go and sit on that rock but for them it will just be a rock. Not to this girl
Just like lots of people probably walked by the bush and it never caught fire. But for Moses it was where he met God. And he was barefoot because for Moses it was Holy ground.
I don't know where your Holy spot will be but when God says He wants to chat with you, take it from this chicken... GO!!!!

                                            My shoes by the stairs down to that beach.
                                                                  Me and The Rock

                                                                HOLY GROUND!!!

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