Friday, July 15, 2011

Worst news... or was it?

So July 1st was Jeff's last day at his job. He had been let go due to restructuring. which I think is code for get rid of the professionals we have to pay and bring in college students cause they'll work for cheaper. I know that sounds bitter and maybe I am a little. My husband is an AMAZING man with so much to offer they are fools to let him go. So the news as a little hard to swallow and brought this girl to some nervous spots BUT then.   GOD!!!!
 Daughter why are you worried, don't you trust Me?
 Daughter I've got this... Watch!!
 I love him more than you do, daughter.

So I shut up and sat still and watched. I realized that my security had been rocked. I wasn't afraid of the stuff I couldn't get or the stuff I might loose it was more the unknown.

Well we are now the middle of July and Jeff has some great leads, no job offers yet BUT.....

 We have had so much fun as a family. We went camping in the middle of the week. Super fun. When we arrived at the beach this happened...
Now I don't know if the Lord announces you to the beach like that but that's how He announces the Cran's!!! :)
It was just that kind of trip. Fun was had by all and God showed Himself as if to say, " I love camping with you guys."

After camping we can home late Saturday evening and washed clothes, went to church Sunday, had a great time at a friends house and then...
back in the car for another during the week trip to CA. this time to see our family and friend. Super fun
See what God know is that another job is going to come and we will find our new normal with that job but family time is a gift. We are very thankful that we had a chance to be the traveling Cran's for two weeks. It also makes coming home feel delicious too. So yes its a bummer that Jeff got let go but its also a blessing. We get to learn to trust God more and to find joy in the simple. So yes the day hurt but the adventure just took a left turn and this road is exciting in its own way... What comes next? Where will Jeff's next mission field be? Cause if you know Jeff you know he does not waste opportunities to point others to Christ. So here we go, a little tattered around the edges, wiping the dirt from our smiling faces, and with a sparkle of hope and excitement for the journey.

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