Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Children

Ya know my children are the reason I get to celebrate Mother's day so I wanted to give them a shout out.
Savanna(17) is this amazing force that God placed in my care. He looked around and said,"Christy is the right Mom for this incredible creature." and I pray always for the strength to guide her in the right direction. Cause to be honest she has an amazing future in front of her. I know Ive failed many times but because of who she is she is never tousled. And my life has been so blessed because of her. She is by far the coolest thing I've ever done. She blows me away almost every time she says something, and its not because of her breath either. :) She has insight and maturity and strength and wisdom that I only wish I had. Savanna knows who she is no matter what is going on. In the dark, in a crowd, alone, with friends, with adults, at church or at a party she is the same. She doesn't need a mask, she just remains exactly who God made her. Thank you Savanna for being the ride of a lifetime.I love you so much and as I am not looking forward to this growing up thing that keeps happening. I can't wait to see who you become. God has a powerful plan for you. Stay close to Him. Hes got the map.
Cooper(7) is exciting and playful. God put all kinds of party in Cooper when He created him. He is always up for fun. He has the kind of personality that draws people to him. As a little guy I would watch as kids and adults alike would seek him out and chat with him, in grocery stores, at play grounds, at church, in sports. Its amazing to watch as a mom and I just think, "wow who are you going to become?" I am again blessed that God chose me to be his mom. He absolutely delights my heart. When is was itty bitty he was in trouble and I was down at eye level with him giving him a talking too when that little scamp cupped my face in his chubby little hands and announced," Mommy you a princess!" I knew I was in trouble that day. My heart smiles when he tells me things and his enthusiasm is contagious. I have loved every minute of being your mom Cooper. Continue to get to know Jesus and He will lead you. You have a great gift in who you are. I pray that you always give God the Glory and thanks He deserves in all you accomplishments. You rock son.
Being a mom has been the most rewarding, trying, exciting, terrifying, wonderful time of my life. I'm so blessed to spend it with the two kids I have.

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