Friday, May 13, 2011

Hockey cont...

 Cooper is the cute one with the yellow on his helmet.

                                                     Playing hard
                                    Team huddle to get the plan
                  Waiting in the tunnel before the Championship game
                         dog piling on the goalie for a job well done
                                           City Champions

It has been a great season of hockey for this mommy and I barely missed watching the professionals.
Well Cooper has issues with the Detroit Red Wings. They took our Phoenix Coyotes out of the play offs. Last year they did the same thing. As the story goes.... There are Red Wing fans that go to Cooper's school. We know this because the entire back window of someones SUV is a Red Wing emblem. Cooper had such issues everyday as we got into the car line and would see that car. Then one day Cooper noticed they also had a Not of this World sticker . Coop's eyes got big and his head began to shake and out came," Oh no!! They can not love Jesus and cheer for the bad guys." Under a smile, I replied," Cooper I think Jesus is ok with us cheering for different hockey teams as long as we are all on HIS team." He wasn't sure but decided he'd think about it. The night the Red Wings took our Coyotes out of the play offs, Cooper was inconsolable. After lots of talks and hugs from mom and dad we finally had to leave Cooper to work it out by himself. ( super sad night for this mommy) The next morning my prayer went something like this.." Lord if there is any mercy in you we will not see that car today." Just to let you know we do serve a God of mercy cause that car was nowhere to be found that day.
So last night we were cheering for the Sharks. It was an exciting game and our team won with a score of 3-2
Both teams wrestled and fought to win but last night it went to the Sharks.
Made me think about how sometimes God wants us to wrestle with Him. Not meanly, quite the opposite. He wants to see what we are made of and how far we will go.To grow us and it is not a win/lose kind of wrestling its a win/win kind of wrestling cause when we wrestle and  go  hard we find out what we are made of. That we are tougher than we thought.And the beauty of finishing strong is the blessing that comes from the Lord when He gets to say,'"Atta girl" I've learned that I am a quitter. I tend to bail out when it starts to hurt or I get scared.Well that stops now. I'm tougher than I think and I'm done buying the lie Satan throws at me that says God's trying to kill me. HE IS FOR ME!!!!So go strong sweet warriors. Lets show this world what playing like a girl looks like!!!

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