Monday, August 15, 2011

Why memorize

So last week we started memory verse Monday's. My kids are normal kids so this just sounded like another chore. But their determined mom set out to make this a delight. So each night we would chat about what the verse meant to us, this side of the cross. The verse was Duet. 20:1. Well this is how the week played out...
Wed night at dinner, mom pulls out the card.
Cooper throws his head back and says," not that again!"
Mom disappointed say," yes bud this again." trying to sound upbeat and fun.
Cooper," ok mom let me tell it to you." and he preceded to recite it
My eyes and face showed my shock as I replied," wow, I didn't even think you'd been listening to me."
Thur night dinnertime. Mom pulls out the card.
Savi says," I've got it mom." And off she goes reciting the verse.
Amazed I announce( cause as the mom you've gotta have a little fun jerking their chain) " wow you guys are so god at this maybe we should make this an every 3 day thing?"
To that I got the classic eye rolls and a no once a week is good.
So this week the Cran's are memorizing Psalm 119:11 which says...
"Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against You."
Short and to the point. I want my kids to know why we are disciplining ourselves to memorize God's word.
See I want God's word hidden as treasures in their hearts because the truth is, I don't know what tomorrow holds. Oh I've got stuff on the calendar but honestly I'm not in control of tomorrow so I need to know I've got scripture hidden in my heart and know that I have equipped my children with it too. that way when the enemy strike we've got weapon's to conquer him with.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I had an experience that has parked itself in my mind and heart and just won't leave. Ever happen to you. You just can't get over it. I try to turn those things into prayers but this one made me mad and helpless.
So here it is...
When we were camping our camp site was surrounded by trees and bushes so often we could hear peoples conversations but not see them. Which brought out my nosey. Well at one campsite there was this woman. Yikes this woman. We all know the type that sits in a chair and loudly orders everyone else around. And does it without pleases and thank yous. Her voice was loud and rude and down right mean sometimes. I was very tempted to go over and get a look at her but to be honest I was a little afraid. Nonetheless I did get a good look at her when she came out of her site to use the restroom and saw me washing our dinner pans. She preceded to boss me around and tell me I wasn't doing it right. I smiled on the outside but my insides didn't match my smile.
 Anyway the next morning was our departure day. So Jeff and I got up early to start breaking down camp. When Coop woke up, he was mad at us because even though we had told him several times we were leaving in the morning he had made plans with kids from other campsites and was upset that he wasn't going to be able to play. He was crying and would not receive the hug I wanted to give. Knowing him I knew how disappointed he was.
 Meanwhile something is taking place at the campsite we could hear but not see. A little boy had said something and this woman was talking mean to him. He started to cry and then she preceded to make fun of him, calling him  crybaby and such. Enough to make my blood boil.
 Two campsites, two crying little boys, two very different experiences.
 I realized later how easy it is to be mean. It seems powerful, you don't have to use self discipline.
 But LOVE now that is real power, shows restraint, creates teaching moments, gives acceptance. LOVE, it cost us more but isn't that worth it? To build up instead of tear down. I'm thankful I tend to choose LOVE over meanness. I pray for that family often, even though I want her to get whats coming to her. But when God delivers a message it is much more impactful than if say, I did.
LOVE!!!! Do it! Be it!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Hiding God's Word

So as the school year starts for my children, this week, yikes. I've as a mom decided that their teachers can teach them all sorts of things that will benefit them but I'm gonna jump on board and teach them what REALLY matters. I'm gonna teach them the discipline of memorizing. Hiding God's word in their heart.

This week we as a family are going to memorize

Deuteronomy 20:1
When you go to war against your enemies and see horses and chariots and an army greater than your, do not be afraid of them, because the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, will be with you.

I know it feels like a weird verse to have our family memorize the 1st week of school but hears what I get from this verse.

The war now days might not be physical but lets face it. Everything wants my children, music, cults, sports. you name it and it wants to steal my children's love for God and put other things in front of Him. that's a war.

Also the things our head tells us is also a war. We or I tell myself lies all the time. your worthless, incapable, fat. You name it so its a war in there too.

And our enemy never shows up alone, cause hes a coward. He brings friends to trip us up.

BUT because My Savior has brought us all out of our own desert places we can be confident that HE is with us. And we don't need to fear because our enemy is on a leash held by the Lord.

 So that's why this mom chose that verse. I want to give my children the arsenal of God word to battle any attack they may face.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Turning 40

Ok so it happened. I turned 40 over a month ago and I am just now ready to send this out. If your wondering... I did not do it gracefully. As a matter of fact I did it down right awful. I put my husband, my family, and my friends in an ugly place and for that I am super sorry.
  I can't even really tell you how it happened but I woke up the morning of my birthday and as I opened my eyes, I already knew. I wasn't in a good place. I went down to spend some time with the Lord but didn't engage my heart in the time, cause I was already making a mental plan. My family was going to go to the movies that morning and I thought if I could get them out of the house and gone for a few hours I'd have time to kill myself. I know it sounds harsh and believe me it was. I just couldn't deal. And in my ugly fantasy I had them still having the party cause I was going to do it neatly so they wouldn't have much clean up. Thoughtful huh? Well since I'm blogging about it you know that my family didn't leave me home alone. I went through the day in such despair. 
   The next day got worse, not better. I told my husband that I was leaving him. I just needed to run away. He didn't let me. He sat and listened to my uglies. Then without advise just held me.
  That week my friends and family didn't leave me alone which showed me love but also irritated me. I spent lots of time with the Lord asking why? and how? and what now?
 Saw one of my spiritual giants who graciously spent 4 hours chatting through it with me. Both her and my man's conclusion was that my time is now. The plan God has put in my path is approaching. And the enemy knew it. So he showed up with a legion of friends to attack me like a football team. And they won the game. I was vulnerable and they took advantage of it.
 But because I'm God's daughter I WILL win the tournament.
 I've also learned some valuable lessons by hitting the bottom so hard. And here they are....
1. Be ready. Put on the Full armor of God. Not just the stuff that goes with my outfit.
2. Brother's have great insight. Mine does. He knows me and could recount victories and defeats. And then he said something so helpful I have clung to it. But its mine so I'm not sharing it.
3. Love conquers all.
4. When the battle starts, go even when you are battle worn.
5. The only weapon needed is Jesus' name.
6. Don't entertain ugly thoughts, even for a minute.
7. Know scripture and say it to yourself. even if it is only one verse. Say it over and over and over again until you believe it..
8. Let others know and carry you. Its hard to admit weakness but conrads in the journey make the burden lighter. And the enemy looses ground cause its not a secret and we aren't alone.
9. When God says stay, stay but when He says go, go. Even afraid.

  I hope I'm the only one who this ever happens to. But just incase I'm not, Be brave and don't run.