Monday, September 26, 2011

Playing in the storm

         I love the bible stories that have storms in them. They are exciting and scary. and someone is always overcoming and learning something. Fear. Trust. Dependence. Yet, boy, I do not personally handle storms in my life well.  And right now is a season of storms for my family. Each day brings new challenges, a new batch of tears, fear, uncertainty, questions, prayers. You get the picture, I'm a mess. I know where to run but God and I are on different timeline right now. I want it quick and He wants to take His time. And rationally I know His timing is perfect so why doesn't it feel perfect? 
           I'm the first one in line for a friend in crisis, with my Pollyanna attitude and yet here I sit frustrated. I can cheer lead like nobodies business for a friend but for me I'm Eeyore. I actually know why... It's too personal. See if it is your storm I'm only effected by what I'm invited into, but when its my storm I can't escape. ( every time I hear the word escape I hear Dory's voice in my head saying," its spelled like escape but its es-ca-pe' " ) 
    Well God gave me a sweet, sweet visual. In Arizona we have a Monsoon season. The temps will reach up to 115 in the day, yet as the sun descends the clouds will roll in,  the wind will pick up, dust will be as thick as fog, the lighting and thunder and finally the rain. Some nights its massive. Just buckets and buckets of rain. well we had one of the big ones a couple weeks ago and do you know what the children in my neighborhood did? All of them including mine put on their bathing suits and went outside and had a water fight. The laughter and fun that was had in my neighborhood was precious. I wish I had a picture but at the time I felt God nudging me to just be present in the moment. So I was. And at that moment He got my attention. That's what I should be doing in my storm. Stomping in the puddles and head back laughing. And as I've pondered this I've realized a few things...
1. the kids weren't anxious for the storm to end and neither should I be.
2. Having fun in the storm didn't shorten the storm it just made it fun.
3. God delights in my acceptance of His plan.
4.I will eventually end. And will I overcome or am I overcome?
      I'm still a work in progress but with a keen eye to notice whats being taught I hopefully can make my Father proud.

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