Monday, January 10, 2011

This Mountain

OK so I kinda just brushed over the whole mountain thing. So I'm back partly to continue on the topic but mostly cause I'm still circling it. I think we all probably have that thing that we tend to circle and obsess over rather than deal with it and move on. So mine is I think mean things about myself. Things I would never call anyone( out load at least) I call myself. And the fact is that I would be totally offended if anyone else called me the things I call myself. Last year with the whole brave word, Self talk was part of the process God and I went through and I had gotten a good handle on it but now...Yikes. So as I picture my figurative mountain it reminds me of my son Cooper. When he was 4 his great grandpa died. Now Cooper had only met him once when he was 8 months old cause my grandparents lived in Canada but he talked about Great grandpa Stainger as if they were long lost buddies. Anyway we had had a conversation about how powerful God is and I had said" if God wants to move a mountain he can just by thinking it in a different place." anyway a couple days later Coop and I were driving by some mountains and he was curiously looking out the window into the sky. So I asked," What you lookin at buddy?" and his reply is so him. He said," Guess God is just spending time with Grandpa Stainger today cause I don't see and mountains flying through the air." I feel like crying right now because the truth is God gave me and you the power to move mountains too. So why the circling? I think its gonna take some time but lets face it I want to be moving in a direction. I hope your mountains are more like hills and that God revels them to you and you also decide to go a direction instead of circling until it becomes a mountain. GO find the direction God has for you and be BRAVE in it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet friend. Thank you for allowing me to be with you today. I had a great time sitting, laughing, eating, caffeine... I admire your strength, beauty, faith, transparency... as well as your weaknesses... you are enough. Spending time with you makes me want to be a better me - so thank you for that. Mountain Shmountain... The good thing is you do not have to climb alone. In fact - I have heard you should not climb alone. So know I am hear to climb with you - for selfish reasons I may need to tug my way up on your coat tails and use you to block myself as I merrily roll down the hill. Wow that makes it sound like I might push you. I wont. BTW. Orange - ORANGE - OOORRAAANNGE!!! on your blog colors. LOVE it. especially since you threw in some pink.
