Friday, July 2, 2010

differences between Maine and Arizona

So here I am visiting Maine and I've noticed a few things. Which if you know me, that probably won't surprise you.:) So we arrived in Rhode Island last night at 11:40 and decided to drive the 4 hour trek to Maine immediately. Now we drove through 3 states before we entered Maine. So thats 4 states in 4 hours. Now in AZ I never worry about hitting animals except for ground hogs and birds. But here on this trip I was on look out for moose and deer. The day before 5 cars all hit the same moose. Luckily only the moose was hurt, well dead actually. So its a big deal over here.
Another difference is that when I left AZ it was 108 degrees and it was early in the day. Here in ME the high today was lower that the low in AZ. I went from tank tops and shorts to a sweater and jeans. Big difference.
Also the water in Az this time of year is NEVER cold.The cold spicket only gets luke warm. Yuck. I like brushing my teeth with cold water. Here in ME the cold water is so cold i felt like I got frost bite washing my hands.
So here's the deal... I see God in everything so why would this be different? He created the earth and everything in it, soooo He ment for places to look and feel different. He got to be creative and He likes hot and cold, small and big, green and brown. (Maine= green Arizona= brown.) And thats why we are all different, He likes variety. So I need to stop wishing I would have a growth spurt in my 30s cause He likes me short. He's not wanting me or you to be like anyone but who He made us. In that I feel chosen and special, and those are hard things for me to feel. But hard or not I'm gonna just feel them and sit still in them. I have a feeling God is gonna teach me a lot this week so stay tuned.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wow what a long time. My computer said this was a dangerous sight and wouldn't let me log on. I find that funny since its just me and my silly thoughts. Anyway I'm warning you it may be dangerous. I know your wondering what changed, did I make peace with my computer, no my desktop still has issues but today is my birthday and my husband and kids got me a laptop. Not only is it pink but it trusts me to be responsible with what I write. Its funny how I never thought I had anything to say until I couldn't. So now I need to catch you up on all the fun that has happened since I started this silly blog. But it will have to wait cause my husband wants my time right now and since he did such a good job on my gift he deserves it. See ya soon.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Is the grass greener?

So where i live we have little cute ground hogs or prairie dogs. well some kind of rodent.. a cute one but rodent none the less. Well these guys have a serious case of the grass is greener because they are always darting across the street.Whats so different on the other side I wonder? What ever it is, it is urgent because they don't wait for traffic to clear, they just go. Now for some people, with no heart this is not a problem, they just hit them, but for me i worry about their family and stuff like that.
When i first moved here I was a maniac. Because I drive by dairies to get to church.And where there are cows there are birds. Lots of them and they are on a suiside mission cause they dive bomb cars. So I've got birds swooping down in front of my car, ground hogs darting under my car, and me having a panic attack behind the wheel because I almost hit a car in oncoming traffic, all to give these little creatures a chance at life. My husband finally sat me down and in his gentle but matter of fact way said," You swerve for dogs, cows, horses and people not birds and ground hogs. You just hit them."
Yikes. So to be truthful I have killed a few but I said sorry as i did it.
On my way to church the other day i was stopped at a red light and out came a little ground hog. He ran under a car in the straight line that was also stopped at the red light. But then the light changed and my heart sank cause i knew i was going to see this little guy get killed. Well at just the right moment he darted to the next car who was turning left so they hadn't moved much. As they started to move the little guy lost his nerve and ran back to the safty of his side of the street. Wheww i said aa I saw he was safe.
Then it dawned on me that, that is probalby how God feels when we dart into wrong choices and sin. Hopeful we won't get creamed by bad choices. And I bet He has a big sigh when we finally run to the safety of our side of the street. I'm thankful I have a Savior who wants good for me. I'm glad His eyes are on me. Even in my mistakes because He can hold the cars still til I'm safe again.
Well just a little lesson God taught me. hope its helpful.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I feel like I just got punked. My daughter came in and said you should start a blog. What. The girl with a lot to say but no typing skills you've got to be kidding and here i am writing. So why happy beginning you wonder... aren't beginnings supposed to be happy? sure lots of them are but what about starting a diet? yuck that doesn't sound happy yet if I get to where I want size wise it turns into a happy beginning so I'm working on finding all the Happy's in my new beginnings.Even this one.:)