Monday, January 10, 2011

This Mountain

OK so I kinda just brushed over the whole mountain thing. So I'm back partly to continue on the topic but mostly cause I'm still circling it. I think we all probably have that thing that we tend to circle and obsess over rather than deal with it and move on. So mine is I think mean things about myself. Things I would never call anyone( out load at least) I call myself. And the fact is that I would be totally offended if anyone else called me the things I call myself. Last year with the whole brave word, Self talk was part of the process God and I went through and I had gotten a good handle on it but now...Yikes. So as I picture my figurative mountain it reminds me of my son Cooper. When he was 4 his great grandpa died. Now Cooper had only met him once when he was 8 months old cause my grandparents lived in Canada but he talked about Great grandpa Stainger as if they were long lost buddies. Anyway we had had a conversation about how powerful God is and I had said" if God wants to move a mountain he can just by thinking it in a different place." anyway a couple days later Coop and I were driving by some mountains and he was curiously looking out the window into the sky. So I asked," What you lookin at buddy?" and his reply is so him. He said," Guess God is just spending time with Grandpa Stainger today cause I don't see and mountains flying through the air." I feel like crying right now because the truth is God gave me and you the power to move mountains too. So why the circling? I think its gonna take some time but lets face it I want to be moving in a direction. I hope your mountains are more like hills and that God revels them to you and you also decide to go a direction instead of circling until it becomes a mountain. GO find the direction God has for you and be BRAVE in it!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

new year, new beginnings

Well here i am again please don't hold your breathe between posts cause my track record tells you you'll die from lack of oxygen. :)
New years always make me what to reinvent myself but this year I'm just gonna revamp this me. Just in case you don't know i am a chicken. Fear is a driving force in what i do or don't do. But last year God gave me a word... BRAVE. All He was asking was for me, full of fear, to just do. And the do was up to Him. So I did and wow was my year amazing but also hard and if I'm honest sad at times. But I finished 2010 a different girl than I started it. Hooray for me!!! ( I'm learning how to cheer myself on instead of putting myself down and that's my attempt)
Now we are in 2011 and I started the year off by asking God what my word was this year and instead He gave me a verse. Now the verse won't make sense unless you know the back story so here it is...
Dec. 26Th I'm out with my sister in law and we are having great conversation while driving on the freeway. The traffic comes to a stop so she stopped but the car behind us didn't. So we're in an accident not horrible but we are both having headaches and seeing chiropractors to put our bones back where they go in hopes the headaches with stop. But for me it is the emotional trauma that has shaken me most. My anxiety is at an all time high. Afraid of everything, depression has set in, irritability, insecurity, you name any negative though and I'm probably having them. Last year BRAVE helped me put those thoughts away but the accident unleashed them. So my chats with the Lord have been," HELP!!!" Now in the way God does He has gently been saying counteract those negatives with positives. Such as, anxious vs. peace, insecurity vs. security, hopeless vs. hopeful, cranky vs. joy. You get the picture but then He went on step further and instead of a word I got a verse. Here it is... "The Lord said, " you have circled this mountain long enough, turn and go north"" Duet.2:2. I just have to laugh and ask did He put that in the bible just to give it to me in 2011? And was He giggling as He did? Not meanly but in a watch this kinda way. Loving that He could make me laugh when I want to cry but being strong enough to handle my tears. I don't know but I sure hope that God chats with you all in the same way cause this girl finds delight in the fact the my Heavenly Father finds my worthy of His smile and a verse from His book. Look for your verse, its in there.